Private Training Establishment
Westport Deep Sea Fishing SchoolLevel of Study
This qualification recognises the skills required to manage the risk to the livelihoods of a wide range of seafood harvesters presented by a regulatory approach to sustainable use of fish stocks, harvesting practices, safety management systems and the protection of wildlife as stipulated by legislation and the New Zealand Quota Management system. These risks must be managed while maintaining an efficient and safe seafood harvesting operation.
The majority of seafood harvesters are operating small vessels in the in-shore fishery, and are usually owner-operated as a small family business. The qualification requirements are flexible to allow for the variety of roles in these small businesses. Some of these roles are ashore dealing with the catch and fisheries compliance related paperwork. Other roles are aboard the vessel at sea, implementing systems designed to meet the requirements of the quota management system, safety management systems, and government and industry codes of practice mitigating the impact of fishing on the marine environment.
Some holders of this qualification will use it as a stepping-stone into other roles within the seafood industry. The skills in this certificate are generic within the seafood industry, and any person who wishes to transfer to other parts of the harvesting sector will be able to get recognition for those skills toward qualifications such as the National Certificate in Seafood Vessel Operations (At Sea Processing) [Ref: 0644], National Certificate in Seafood Vessel Operations (Fishing Technology) [Ref: 1152] or National Certificate in Seafood Vessel Operations (Nautical Skills) [Ref: 1153].