• Histórias de Estudantes

Two students look up at the canopy as they walk through a rainforest.

Study with New Zealand

Encontre um curso

As qualificações obtidas na Nova Zelândia são bem procuradas por empregadores e outras instituições de ensino de todo o mundo.

Download Think New brochure
A student in a hard hat and high-vis vest works on a laptop at a construction site.

Learn more about what a New Zealand education can offer you!

Download Think New brochure
This is Jenny, an international student who featured in the 'New is a New Zealand Education' video

Study options

Student on laptop outside with headphones

Outras formas de estudar

Popular programmes

Hospitality students practise their service skills as part of their coursework in a hotel lodge

Viagem, turismo e hotelaria

Encontre um curso
A student in New Zealand shakes hands with a prospective employer

Estudos de administração e negócios

Construction students working in a high rise


Students in a New Zealand design class

Design e artes criativas

Dentistry student doing practical work

Saúde e medicina

Student on tablet

Ensino profissionalizante

Photo of Mahin Afzal Khan in the Victoria University of Wellington campus.
Primary school students in class

Escolas (de 5 a 18 anos de idade)

Uma nova forma de ensinar e aprender

O estilo de ensino da Nova Zelândia ajuda cada aluno a alcançar o melhor de sua capacidade.

People smiling and talking in front of a marae while holding poi (balls for Māori dancing)

Morando na Nova Zelândia

Two students looking at a laptop

Planeje sua experiência de estudo

Continue explorando

Cursos e programasEstude onlineMorando na Nova Zelândia