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돌아가기다른 학습 방법
An international student is using her laptop to help her study online from her desk at home

온라인 학습

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온라인 교육과정 찾기

A student in New Zealand shakes hands with a prospective employer


교육과정 찾기
An Information Technology student holding a laptop is working with a robot in front of a chessboard

컴퓨터공학과 수리과학

A student who is studying out in the field smiles at the camera while holding a magnifying glass and object they are studying

응용 및 순수과학

Three students are working together in a state-of-the-art medical lab, while all wearing full medical scrubs, masks and safety gear.


Two students in a classroom are being shown a Maori art pattern and taught about Māori culture by their lecturer



A student works on his laptop

온라인 단기과정

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