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Palmerston North Girls' High School




Situated in the heart of NZ's North Island region of Manawatu, Palmerston North Girls' High School has an outstanding reputation for nurturing personal academic and co-curricular excellence since 1902. We enjoy the safety of a relatively small city with low crime rate. We live in a multicultural community with a dynamic diversity and representatives from all over the world that make up nearly 20% of the city's population. International students are warmly welcomed and soon enfolded into our friendly community. With our ability to focus on gender-specific education that works for young women, students are encouraged to be entrepreneurial, to develop confidence and independence, and equipped to be successful future tertiary students, citizens and potential leaders of the world.

With over 100 years of admirable tradition, Palmerston North Girls’ High School has an outstanding reputation for nurturing personal academic and co-curricular excellence since 1902. The school performs amongst the top girls’ schools in New Zealand and consistently outperforms the national average. With high achievement in the internationally recognized NCEA qualifications, many of our graduates go on to top New Zealand universities, Ivy League and other well-known international universities with full or partial scholarships.


Two gymnasiums, swimming pool, music suite, dance studios, tennis courts, commercial kitchens for hospitality, fashion and textile studio, drama suites, amphitheatre, computer pods, common room for seniors and cafeteria.  The local tennis club and hockey turf is at our doorstep.


More about Palmerston North Girls' High School

International Student Testimonial:

"I have never fully understood the saying “Everyday going to school is a fun day” until I came here: teaching here isn’t plainly teachers giving notes and students copying down, but more expounding orally by the teachers and group talks between students; learning here isn’t heavy on memorizing but practical and interesting – it focuses more on giving own opinions, reasoning, doing research, etc.

A variety of activities for students is another reason for me being actually relaxed and joyous at school in New Zealand, as I know studying is important but is not the priority: the principal aim is my comprehensive wellbeing, comprises of both academic and social skills development – sports, multicultural  group’s activities, organizing events, etc.

Students like me could feel unfamiliar with this difference in the academic environment at first, however, the more you get used to it, the more you love it. The more I love it, not only school, but also my life. Kiwi peoples’ lifestyle is slow and enjoying, not so rushed and stressful as Asians’. Kiwis in general are so friendly – my host family, my friends, even strangers – they are always there when you need help.

Living with the Kiwis calms my mind very much: the experience of living in a homestay gives me a sense of home and helps me be not so homesick, having lunch outside on the grass with my friends, not mentioning several amiable smiles I received from people around me… Wow, maybe it’s just everyone is smiling anytime anywhere. I myself have been always smiling since I came here also!"


Contact details


Palmerston North Girls' High School
Palmerston North
238 Fitzherbert Avenue
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Phone number

+64 6 357 9194
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