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Green Bay High School




Connecting Globally – International education opens us to the world.

At Green Bay High School we are educating our students to be the successful adults of the future. It is essential that we find ways to connect to the wider world. Our international educational programme welcomes fee-paying and exchange students from overseas, while at the same time we encourage students of Green Bay High School to participate in exchanges that will extend their learning horizons beyond New Zealand.

International Students’ Programmes:
These are designed to provide international students with short or long term learning opportunities in a typical New Zealand secondary school. Students have access to all the courses on offer at the school, but are also supported by ‘English as a Second Language’ classes as necessary. Students live locally with approved ‘homestay’ families.

International Exchange Programmes:
We have well established relationships with a number of exchange schemes – in particular AFS, Rotary and Auckland City Council. Each year, a number of students travel abroad to improve their foreign language learning, enrich their understanding of other cultures while building relationships with young adults in other parts of the world.

For more information regarding International Enrolments and Homestay opportunities, contact International Students’ Director: Katrina Piezzo.

More about Green Bay High School

Quote from an International Student:

"Coming to New Zealand is an eye opening experience. It’s a chance to experience a whole new country with a distinct culture, lifestyle and education system.

The style of teaching is very different -the focus is on independency and time management instead of following all of teacher’s instructions. The teachers are very helpful and approachable, which I feel is an important part of learning. I find it really enjoyable to get to create my own work schedule, choose subjects that I’m passionate about and find learning styles that suit me individually. This encourages me to be confident in my learning ability as I’m not forced to learn something I’m not interested in and I don’t feel like I have no control over my education.

After school, there are also extracurricular activities that are available such as playing different sports, learning musical instruments or joining social groups. For me, I just came across a new interest of mine with softball, so this is a good opportunity to discover new talents and interests.

Along the way, I also made a lot of local and international lifelong friends, who I can rely on. Overall, I didn’t regret coming to New Zealand even one bit because I got the privilege to witness a completely new way of life unlike any other."


Contact details


Green Bay High School
143 - 161 Godley Road
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Phone number

+64 9 817 8173
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