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Private Training Establishment

National Trade Academy
National Trade Academy logo

New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry Skills

Level of Study



The purpose of this qualification is to enable the recognition of the entry level skills and knowledge required by the primary industry sector, and to provide a training pathway for entry into careers in the primary sector. 

This qualification is targeted at new or potential entrants into the primary sector including seasonal workers, career changers and those not yet engaged in education, employment or training. Domestic and international students are welcome.

This qualification will allow primary industry workplaces to:
- recognise the skill development of casual, seasonal and/or entry level employees and,
- identify graduates who can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge to contribute safely and effectively in the workplace.

Learners will benefit by gaining recognition of their skills and entry into a training pathway leading to a range of careers in the primary sector.

Graduates will be capable of working under supervision.

Entry criteria

There are no regulatory body or legislative requirements

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