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Private Training Establishment

Media Design School
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Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming)

Level of Study

Bachelor's Degree


Media Design School is the only school in New Zealand who has partnered with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's PlayStation First Academic Development Programme, giving our students the opportunity to develop games for the PlayStation platform. As there is an international demand for game developers we anticipate a greater number of global students seeking Bachelor level game qualifications. It is important for the school to r espond to the global expectation and requirement for graduates with game degrees as new measure of baseline entry into the games industry. This trend has also been adopted by US and UK immigration policy makers as they have moved from the requirement for five years games experience as the benchmark, to a Bachelor level qualification in Games. Study a Bachelor of Software Engineering (Game Programming) and become a highly sought-after programmer who can breathe life into unimagined worlds. You’ll collaborate with artists to create beautiful worlds that behave in their own laws of physics and have artificially intelligent creatures. In the three years of your course you’ll learn to development across a range of platforms including PC, Sony PlayStation, and iOS using Unity or Unreal game engines. This degree teaches you to code in a variety of highly sought-after languages, including C++, which will help you succeed in the games industry.

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