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Unitec Institute of Technology
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Bachelor of Construction (Construction Management)

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Level of Study

Bachelor's Degree


Construction sites can involve hundreds of workers and millions of dollars of materials, and construction managers are responsible for managing both. The Bachelor of Construction (Construction
Management) prepares you with the knowledge and skills to organise and manage activities on a construction site, including gaining in-depth knowledge and understanding of management
structures, supply chain, people, and production management. Become familiar with advanced construction management, contract law, tendering, and design management, amongst other things.


  • This programme is fully accredited by the New Zealand Institute of Builders (NZIOB). Graduates of this programme are eligible to become members.
  • A good foundation for a career in construction management, providing you with the skills to undertake detailed planning and management of resources applied to construction projects
  • An overview of all aspects of the construction industry
  • Explore progressively more complex scenarios and projects and develop the technical skills to schedule activities and resources on construction projects
  • Application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) processes
  • In your final papers, you'll undertake a major industry research project where you can integrate what you've learned with practical experience
  • Relevant to your future career: Unitec's advisory boards include experts who keep us up-to-date with industry trends and relevant legislation in the construction industry
  • Following your shared compulsory papers (first 3 semesters), you'll then choose your major/s* from Construction Management,Property Development, or Construction Economics. This allows you to get a good understanding of the general field first before you choose your direction
  • You can choose to get a double major with slightly more coursework (usually 4 papers, 60 credits)
  • Lecturers with experience in the construction industry and guest lecturers who are leaders in their field
  • Gain exposure and experience with a wide number of construction software.

Qualification pathway

This programme is fully accredited by the New Zealand Institute of Builders (NZIOB). Graduates of this programme are eligible to become members.

Recommendation on studying full-time

Studying full-time is like doing a full-time job. You might only be in lectures and workshops for 16 hrs a week, but you are expected to spend another 24 hours a week on self-directed study, quizzes, re-reading lecture content, and working on assignments. That makes 40 hours.

We recognize many of you want or need to work whilst you are studying, but we would not recommend you to do any more than part-time study if you have a full-time job and don't let your working hours overlap with your lecture times.

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